SAWAB Foundation welcomes your feedback

SAWAB Foundation is a learning organization, and welcomes your feedback, whether positive or negative. All communication will assist the organization to improve its services. SAWAB Foundation is always pleased to have feedback regarding its services. If you have communicated with SAWAB Foundation to make a comment the organization may wish to use your positive feedback to promote its work, but will seek your approval if it wishes to do so.

Who to contact and how

You can contact the organization through email at, or write to the SAWAB Foundation, 6/2, (2nd Floor), Block- B, Lalmatia, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207.

How SAWAB Foundation will respond to your communication or complaint?

SAWAB Foundation, keen to consistently improve its services, also welcomes any complaints. If you are unhappy with the service SAWAB Foundation offers and wish to make a complaint, speak in the first instance to the relevant member of staff responsible for the service. Many issues can be resolved by a discussion with the staff person responsible or with their local manager, and SAWAB Foundation will try to resolve the matter immediately through such a discussion

If this process is not satisfactory and you wish to proceed to make a formal complaint it must be put in writing and signed. A third party can assist non-literate complainants. A Complaint Form is available.

Complaint form

This form is for the use of SAWAB Foundation, donors, partners, funders and beneficiaries to facilitate feedback regarding SAWAB Foundation services. Please complete the form and return to

Timing of response

SAWAB Foundation will acknowledge any written complaints in writing within one week of receiving the complaint. It will provide a full written response to all complaints within one month from the date of receiving the complaint, explaining how the organization has investigated those complaints and what action has been taken. If there are special circumstances which extend this timing, we will communicate this time-delay to you. If you feel SAWAB Foundation has been unable to resolve your complaint satisfactorily, you may appeal to the Chairman. He/she will investigate the complaint and provide a written response within 30 working days of the appeal.

Maintaining confidentiality

Your comments will be treated in the strictest confidence, in line with SAWAB Foundation’s confidentiality policy. SAWAB Foundation has a responsibility to safeguard confidential information about donors, partners, funders and beneficiaries.