Water Sanitation and Hygiene:

Clean, accessible water and adequate sanitation for everyone is important for better livelihood. Despite of sufficient fresh water, millions of people lose their life from disease associated with inadequate water supply and poor status of sanitation and hygiene, children to be mostly affected. According to UN, each day, 1,000 children die due to preventable water and sanitation related diarrhea and related diseases. Beside health, poor water quality and inadequate sanitation might negatively affect educational opportunity of a child. A universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water and adequate sanitation and hygiene can be gained if the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)-6 related to water and sanitation are achieved.

Providing the underprivileged people in Bangladesh with safe drinking water and adequate sanitation and hygiene facility would help to complement this goal. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene program provides access to safe drinking water, improved sanitation and hygiene practice of poor and marginalized people of Bangladesh.

SAWAB Foundation has been implementing Water and Sanitation program since its inception and every year it contributes in improvement of water and sanitation facilities in Bangladesh with an installation of new water wells and repairing of older systems. Considering the water and sanitation situation in Bangladesh some international donor organizations have come forward to assist SAWAB Foundation for doing the humanitarian work in partnership with them.

SAWAB Foundation considers scarcity of water sources in isolated islands and coastal areas, salinity and arsenic in ground water, contamination of surface water, dry and deep water table in dry Char lands, etc. to identify the specific site for installation of water wells. Besides, there are awareness sessions by following specific manual on hygiene issues where there have been participation of more than one hundred thousand people in the year.

  • Access to safe water facilities
  • Access to safely managed sanitation facilities
  • Waste management in municipal towns
  • Water quality testing
  • WASH facilities in schools
  • WASH in emergencies